Thomanerchor in Madison, WI

On November 19, Wisconsonites got a rare opportunity to hear the magnificent boys’ choir that was once conducted by J. S. Bach*: the Thomanerchor (the choir of St. Thomas church in Leipzig). As expected, they sang a lot of good old Lutheran stuff and they nailed it. They sing with great dignity and precision, and the kind of tuning that makes you feel all is right with the world. We weren’t allowed to photograph them, so this is as close an approximation as I can give you of how the concert looked:

It took place at Luther Memorial Church in Madison, which proved a lovely venue. Many thanks to singer and German teacher Nicole Warner for alerting me to the concert, driving me all the way out there, and buying me dinner to boot. A salutary evening!

* And of course, by “once” I mean “on a regular basis from 1723 to 1750.”

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