If this translation is wrong, I don’t want to be right

Recently, while slumming it at the Extremely Cheap Translation Service, I ran across two texts that were strange in the same way. The first was a German text: “Hallo meine hübsche Dame, wie machst du diesen schönen Morgen?”, which was already translated as “Good morning my pretty lady, how are you doing this fine morning?”… Continue reading If this translation is wrong, I don’t want to be right

Trump und die Lügenpresse

So the current occupant of the White House recently tweeted: “The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media […]” And this article in the Berliner Zeitung translated it as: “Die betrügerische Lügenpresse arbeitet hart daran, Republikaner zu überzeugen, dass ich die sozialen Netzwerke… Continue reading Trump und die Lügenpresse

And more Wagner…

If you look at this YouTube upload of the overture to Meistersinger, you can enjoy a sad Internet story: Uploader writes, “Please restrict your comments to Wagner’s music. Nothing hateful will be tolerated. ;)” Scroll down a little and you see, “Comments are disabled for this video.” Sad!

Categorized as Opera

Bonus Wagner content

The St. Austin Review (a Catholic lit mag) recently published my thoughts on Wagner’s Tannhäuser but the article is not available online. So here are two anecdotes for those of you who can’t access the article (or who read it and came here looking for more, unlikely as that may be…) Wagner’s original title for Tannhäuser was Der… Continue reading Bonus Wagner content

Categorized as Opera