Find the difference

People tend to think of machine-translation post editing as “easier” than old-fashioned translation. But I’ve come to think of MTPE not as easier than traditional translation, but as requiring a different set of skills. Namely, the same skills required by find-the-difference puzzles. Find-the-difference puzzles vary in difficulty, of course, just as MT jobs do. You… Continue reading Find the difference

The Black Spider

And why not do evil that good may come? – as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just. (Romans 3:8) Die schwarze Spinne is an unsettling tale that dramatizes the terrible consequences of moral cowardice. The author, Swiss pastor Albert Bitzius (1797-1854), wrote under the pious pen name of Jeremias Gotthelf.… Continue reading The Black Spider